Not sure what to make of this one. Charly, or Chuck as he/she’s been calling him/herself called in today to say he/she’s given up on trying to hang out with me. Will he/she really walk off into the sunset? Time will tell. Here’s the audio:
Lynch is growing a sad excuse for a ’stache, so I thought I’d repost the moustache rules:
These are simple rules, with very few exceptions. The mullet hair cut is never cool, not even in an ironic way. The only exception is for hockey players, like Ryan Smyth of the Oil, who have had it for years. Like mandatory helmets, he’s grandfathered in this case. As for moustaches, if you’re under 40 years of age, you shouldn’t have one. They are ridiculous. Exceptions: Cops, gay guys, and guys in bands with super-ironic handlebar or fu manchu styles. I don’t know why cops often have moustaches, but you can’t fight tradition. The moustache seems to play a part in gay culture, and that’s cool too. The worst moustaches are those guys with young or babyfaces who grow a moustache cause they think it makes them look more mature. No. It makes you look more ridiculous.
Cheryl from The Calgary Humane Society stopped in today with a really cute, affectionate young girl named Sophie. Sophie is about 8 months old, is a little skittish around sudden noises or movement, but is quite affectionate and playful. You can find her along with all sorts of other animals of all shapes and sizes up for adoption through the Humane Society.
It’s a new year, with new listeners stumbling across our still-new radio station, Calgary’s New Rock Alternative X92.9 FM. We just celebrated our first anniversary on January 1. You may have been there since the beginning, or perhaps are just now discovering us. If we haven’t been properly introduced yet, I host the afternoon show. It runs weekdays from 2-7PM, which includes the 6 O’Clock Rock Report, an hour of music news, interviews and some damn good music. I love that my show has become a two-way connection and always enjoy interacting with you. You can get in touch a whole bunch of ways:
Phone during the show: 403-238-X929 (9929)
Leave a voicemail: 403-670-0210 x 1851
Social Networking: Facebook, MySpace (let’s be friends!)
Feel free to take a browse through the past years’ worth of blog archives, and make sure you bookmark my blog!!!
“Charly” called again and “he” tried to convince me to hang out with “him” on St. Patrick’s Day, which is over a month away. Here’s the call:
We had a discussion about torture on the show today. I don’t believe torture is effective or neccesary…especially waterboarding. An article by Darius Rejali (author of the book Torture and Democracy
) sums up these 5 Myths:
1 - Torture worked for the Gestapo
2 - Everyone talks sooner or later under torture
3 - People will say anything under torture
4 - Most people can tell when someone is lying under torture
5 - You can train people to resist torture
Read the article here.
Your comments are welcome.
Spoke by phone with Paul Garred from The Kooks about the forthcoming new album Konk. Here’s how it sounded:
I was talking to a girl last night, and she told me she was headed out to a pub with a guy. She said it wasn’t a date, and that she was single. Now here’s where it gets interesting. The guy had sent her a dozen red roses at work that day, and she sleeps with him regularly. Why? Well, apparently he does quite well for himself, buys lots of stuff for her and treats her well. I’m guessing he thinks they are in a relationship. She’s early twenties, he’s mid thirties. Basically she’s sleeping with this guy for the monetary perks. Is she a prostitute/escort? Does it matter if the guy doesn’t know her side of things?
I’ve put a poll over to the right —>Â
Calgary is a lonely city for a single guy, but sometimes, strtange women will call you out of the blue - I call these women Telemarketers. Recently I received two calls from different ends of the age spectrum. Listen:
The 16th season, Fans vs. Favourites season of Survivor kicks off tonight on Global. It takes place in beautiful Micronesia. One of the biggest villians in Survivor history is back for the new season and called into the show. Listen here:
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