Oct 01
It’s hard enough to meet the right girl, let alone take things further along. Men’s Health did a survey of women and found the Top Five things that will turn a woman off quickly. Feel free to add more in the comments section.
- Less-than-fresh breath: 95%
- Excessive cologne: 86%
- Presence of a unibrow: 85%
- Nasty or long toenails: 84%
- Pit stains on a shirt: 83%
Sep 17
Colin Sprake, a former rugby player in South Africa, came up with a business he calls “A Pole Lot of Fun”. Anyone who wants to buy into the business pays Sprake $5,000 and he sets them up with everything they need to start hosting their own “pole-dancing parties” for all of their friends. If you are interested in learning more about this lucrative business go to apolelotoffun.com.
Jul 08
If you think writing in a Little Black Book is so 20th century, a New York man is helping peoplemaintain sex logs in cyberspace. Myblackbook.org allows users to upload photos and record theirsexual encounters. The site then provides graphs and charts to keep track of their conquests.
Jun 13
I was talking about who my go-to-girls were for when I’m alone (or thinking about someone else…see post below.) Celebrity-wise, Scarlett J. comes into the picture. Also Estella Warren, hot Canadian. But there’s also exes and various ladies you meet along the way. What’s yours?
Caller Audio 1
Caller Audio 2
Jun 12
…to think of someone else when you’re making sweet love to your significant other? I was in a long-term relationship with a girl who had a large sexual appetite…bigger than mine even! Sometimes I’d think of other women while we were in the midst of the fun. Never told her of course. I took some calls, and welcome your comments here.
Caller Audio
I added a poll over there –>

Jun 03
I like to talk about sex and/or love on my radio show. This time around, a teenage reading habit came to light. Listen:
Penthouse Letters
Jun 02
- Make a Plan of Action: When you’re stressed out about the gazillion things you need to accomplish the next day, jot your thoughts down. Seeing the list in writing will help you feel more in control, and knowing you can review it in the morning will help you push it out of your brain for the night.
- Create a Bedtime Story: If you can’t stop analyzing something that happened earlier in the day, distract yourself with some creative visualization. Picture yourself in a place that’s unrelated to whatever’s dominating your thoughts, and focus on the specifics of the scenario. This distracts you from your stimulating thoughts.
- Hide the Clock: When you’re wired, any sensory stimulation in the room can make it worse. The biggest culprit: the digital clock. One thing that contributes to sleeplessness is the stress of lying there at 3 a.m. and watching the time go by on the clock.
- Try the Comb Trick: While lying on your back with your eyes closed, take a comb and make short upward strokes on your right hand. Start at your fingertips, then gradually move to your palm, then to your wrist, then up your arm, all the way to your shoulder. Repeat on the other side.
- Soak in a Warm
Bath: Once you leave the warm water, your core body temperature drops, which can signal the body that it’s time to sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation. So if you suspect you’re going to have trouble nodding off, or if you’re in bed but doing more worrying than dreaming, hit the tub for about 15 minutes.
- Get Busy: The hormones produced at orgasm cause relaxation that often leads to sleep. You figure it out.
- Melt Into the Bed: Experts say this exercise is the gold standard in go-to-sleep techniques. When your sympathetic nervous system is activated, your muscles tense up, and that keeps you alert. Tame that tension with this exercise: Focus on your feet and try to make them feel very heavy, as if they’re sinking into the bed. Next, focus on relaxing your ankles. Repeat on one small area at a time as you very slowly work your way up your body, until you reach your head.
May 30
- The Right Rubs: Opt for all-natural, paraben-free lubricants (parabens, used as preservatives, may disrupt hormone activity). And use organic massage oils, such as Earth Botanicals (northernnaturals.com, $11 for 8 oz), which is made of sunflower, apricot, and jojoba oils and contains no artificial fragrances or additives.
- Toss Toxic Toys: Many soft plastic sex toys are made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and softened with chemicals called phthalates. The problem: PVC’s manufacture is toxic to the environment, and there’s some evidence that exposure to phthalates can increase the risks of birth defects and cancer. Play it safe with toys made of silicone, glass, or metal instead.
- Bright Idea: Keep the lights off while you make love and focus fully on the sexy sensations of touch and sound. If you still want to see your sweetie, switch out your lightbulb for an Energy Star-qualified one (you’ll save cash, too!).
- Condom Sense: Roll out the lambskin condoms — the only kind proven to be biodegradable. (But stick with latex if you’re concerned about STD prevention, as lambskin condoms are only effective for birth control.)
- Mattress Matters: Get busy on sheets made from organic cotton (grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers), or pick bedding made from bamboo fiber, a rapidly renewable resource.
- Carbon Dating: Searching for Mr. Right? Check out greensingles.com to meet fellow tree huggers and help the planet while you look for love: Part of the site’s profits go to nonprofit environmental organizations.
- Good Vibrations: Using something that requires batteries? Replace it with something rechargable that doesnt use batteries at all.
- Human Friction: What’s hotter than body heat? Lower your home thermostat this winter and warm things up between the sheets instead.
- Green Under There: Get greener undies and still stay sexy. Slip into Lenpur lingerie — its surprisingly soft fabric is made from pine clippings.

May 23
- Condoms have appeared in cave paintings: In Johnny Come Lately: A Short History of the Condom, author Jeannette Parisot claims the appearance of condoms in cave paintings are estimated to be 15,000 years old.
- Condoms used to be available only by prescription: In the U.S., there was a time that condoms were available only by prescription, but doctors held up a double standard — they would prescribe them to men so that husbands could protect themselves against getting STDs from prostitutes, but they wouldn’t prescribe them to women so they could prevent themselves from getting pregnant or for any other reason.
- The oldest condoms date back to 1640: Discovered during excavations of
Castle in West Midlands,
England, these condom fragments were made from the guts of animals and it is believed they were distributed to slow the spread of STDs during the English Civil Wars. If that is the case, they would have been used by Royalists loyal to King Charles I, since the castle didn’t fall to Oliver Cromwell until 1646.
- Condoms have been sold in vending machines since 1928: The condom available in vending machines celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2008, courtesy of the company who manufactured the first brand-name condom, Germany-based, Fromm’s. Their product, Fromm’s Act, not only appeared in vending machines first, they also had a presumably unauthorized Mickey Mouse as their pitch-man.
- Invisible condoms may be next: For all those folks forced to use leather, silk, velvet or rubber as thick as an inner tube, the invisible condom could only be a pipe dream. In this case, “invisible” actually means a gel that hardens according to increased temperatures. Clinical trials on the invisible condom have been carried out by Montreal’s
University, in conjunction with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Centre Hospitalier de l’Universite
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