Sep 28
Well, today I am in studio until 6PM in my underpants. I lost the True Fitness challenge, but still feel pretty good about the progress I made. Here’s some hot amatuer pics, wash your eyes when you’re done:

And here’s audio of when Ken Andrukow from True came by to reveal the results:
Sep 24
There’s not much to say about this one. Are there kangaroos in Africa? Where is Roy Horn? Should I be afraid, or very afraid? My biggest fan called again today:
White Tiger StalkerĂ‚Â
Sep 21
If you’re terrified of snakes, there’s a certain kind of therapy that calls for seeing lots of snakes to help you get over your fears. Is there something like that for alligators? I got one of those telemarketing calls that tells you you’ve won a trip to Florida, and to press 9 to collect you prize. I pressed 9, and here’s the rest:
Sep 21
My biggest fan called today, and she seemed pretty excited about the True Fitness challenge, and told us about how she’s cleaning out her area of the basement of her parent’s home.
Stalker Fitness
Sep 19
Here’s some hints on how to tell from Men’s Health:
- She Suggests Thai for Dinner: Beware the “I-don’t-know, what-do-you-want-to-do?” camp of passive babes. A woman who knows and says what she wants, even when answering a mundane question, is more likely to be assertive in bed. Good lovers take responsibility for their pleasure. They remove a lot of the guesswork.
- She Eats It Up: Take note of how she handles her food. Watch how she uses her fork. Does she enjoy things? Is she sensuous? Is she poky and grabby? If someone eats slowly, it’s likely that they like to make love for a long time.
- She Screams . . . for Coffee Ice Cream: You may find the perfect lover by comparing tastes in ice cream. Alan Hirsch, M.D., a neurologist and director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in
Chicago conducted a study of 720 people, ages 24 to 59, in which he correlated personality tests, their favorite ice-cream flavors, their partners’ favorite ice creams, and relationship status. Coffee-ice-cream lovers — found to be dramatic, seductive, flirtatious — are most romantically compatible with strawberry fans. Vanilla gals (emotionally expressive and fond of PDA) melt best with rocky-road guys. And mint-chocolate-chip fans are meant for each other.
- She Talks Like You: There’s a scene in Broadcast News in which William Hurt tells Holly Hunter that listening to her talk in his earpiece while he was on the air was “like great sex!” See if you get a similar buzz from your potential bedmate. The first thing to look for is mirroring of verbal behavior and pace. That is, if her pace and her nonverbal behavior match yours, her sexual behavior, which is also nonverbal, will also likely match. If one person seems really slow moving and the other person seems fidgety, they’re going to have different sexual paces.
- She Knows Who Sid Vicious Is: Young women often aren’t relaxed enough to have an orgasm. Older women know what they like and will tell you. They realize that if they have frequent orgasms, it’s better for the man in the long run. At menopause, levels of estrogen recede, unmasking the power of testosterone. This allows women to be more assertive and demanding, and many of them become more interested in sex.
- She Gives Good Lip: The way you kiss says a lot about how you make love. It’s not just using the lips; it’s using the entire body. If she uses her hands on you and presses her breasts into you and moans and groans, she’s going to be a great lover. The best female lovers also create sexual anticipation. They start with baby kisses, and then maybe lick your top lip and suck your bottom lip, and as they’re doing that, they play with your hair, or put your hands on them. It’s sort of like a dance.
- She’s a Good Dancer: There is a certain amount of dance to copulation. And dancing is energetic, which suggests someone who’s in good shape.
Sep 19
I’m was kind of perturbed to find out recently that, for the last few months, and mail sent to me (and anyone else) through the “contact us” page on the X92.9 website has not arrived. It’s disappeared into the ether of cyberspace. If you sent mail, you likely never found out it never arrived. If you sent mail to me, you probably think I’m a big jerk for not replying to you. I try and respond to all my e-mail. The problem is still not fixed, so meantime, here are some ways to get in touch. you can e-mail me directly:
Josh Holliday on Facebook
Josh Holliday on MySpace
Or call me when I’m on air 2-7 weeday afternoons at (403!) 238-X929.
Sep 18
I found this list attributed to “Esquire” but it’s got to be the British version. Here’s the list:
- 10. Interior decorating
- 9. Parallel parking
- 8. Ugandan discussions
- 7. Get up in the hat rack
- 6. Throw a leg over
- 5. Do a bit of front-door work
- 4. Let Jack in the orchard
- 3. Put Barney in the VCR
- 2. Take a turn among the parsley
- 1. Lead the llama to the lift shaft
Do you have some better ones?
Sep 18
K-OS was in town for a show at Flames Central and stopped by the Rock Report before the show for a chat. Here’s how it went:
K-OS Interview
Sep 18
More words from Urban Dictionary:
- Austined: When you get a vehicle stuck in such a way that you cannot back or drive it out. A reference to the movie Austin Powers where he wedges a factory cart between two walls trying to turn it around
- Fasho: Is a short way to say “For Sure”
- Intermet: A way to say that you met on the Internet.
- Shwink: To sneak up on someone or startle them.
- Moppled: The stage of drunkenness just before you get hammered but while you are still able to hold a reasonable conversation and stand up at the same time.
- Wum: Not understanding something (what you mean?)
- Deised: Buff, muscular, ripped, etc.
Sep 17
I was doing a remote broadcast from Adult Source over the weekend, and saw this giant latex fist and had to buy it. They were nice and gave me a good price. I think we’ll keep it around the studio and see what types of fun will happen. It’s solid latex and weighs quite a bit.

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