Oct 02
The website DebateDrink.com has a drinking game created specially for tonight’s U.S. Vice Presidential Debate. Here are their rules:
Take one sip when:
·        Palin says the words “moose,” “Wasilla,” “earmarks” or “maverick,” mentions the Bridge to Nowhere, or talks about someone being able to see Russia from their front porch.
·        Biden says the word “hope” or “change” or gets angry.
·        General: The word “bailout” is said; Palin’s children Willow, Trig, Bristol, Track and Piper or Biden’s son Beau are mentioned; or the moderator interrupts.
Take two sips when:
·        Palin mentions hunting, anyone sells a plane on eBay or the word “sexism” is used.
·        Biden mentions Amtrak.
·        General: The words “Wall Street” and “Main Street” are used together or one of the candidates doesn’t even pretend to answer the question.
Take a shot when:
·        Palin says, “Thanks, but no thanks,” or the words “18 million cracks” or “glass ceiling” or Troopergate is mentioned.
·        Biden mentions Scranton or refers to John McCain as “My friend John.”
·        General: Tina Fey is spotted.
Finish your drink when:
·        Palin claims to have any sort of foreign policy experience or Biden’s mother is seen in the audience.
Oct 01
It’s hard enough to meet the right girl, let alone take things further along. Men’s Health did a survey of women and found the Top Five things that will turn a woman off quickly. Feel free to add more in the comments section.
- Less-than-fresh breath: 95%
- Excessive cologne: 86%
- Presence of a unibrow: 85%
- Nasty or long toenails: 84%
- Pit stains on a shirt: 83%
Oct 01
Y’know these types of injuries would never fly in hockey. Hockey players take pride in their toughness and durability. Baseball players? Well…
- Roger Craig (Giants) - Cut his hand on a bra strap.
- Ryan Klesko (Braves) - Once overexerted himself and pulled a muscle while picking up his lunch tray.
- Wade Boggs (Red Sox) - Injured himself while pulling on his cowboy boots.
- Kevin Mitchell (Mets/Giants) - The master of all bizarre injuries, he once injured himself while eating a cupcake. That, of course, was when he wasn’t missing games because of vomiting-induced muscle strains, or strained eyelids.
- Ken Griffey, Jr. (Mariners) - Missed a game after suffering a pinched testicle from his protective cup.
- Jose Cardenal (Cubs) - Missed a game in 1974 because he couldn’t blink.
- Vince Coleman (Cardinals) - Missed the 1985 World Series after getting rolled up in the tarp machine.
- John Smoltz (Braves) - Once burned his chest while ironing a shirt, which he was still wearing.
- Carlos Perez (Expos) - Broke his nose in a car accident while trying to pass the team bus.
- Doc Gooden (Mets) - Missed a start when Vince Coleman accidentally struck him with a golf club in the clubhouse.
- Ricky Bones (Marlins) - Went on the disabled list in 2000 after injuring himself while changing channels on the clubhouse TV.
- Greg Harris (Rangers) - Injured his wrist while flicking sunflower seeds in the dugout
Courtesy ESPN.com
Sep 29
We get lots of telemarketing calls to the station. I got caught a little off guard when the telemarketer asked for a specific woman. Well, I decided to be a woman, sort of. Listen:
Telemarketing Tranny Audio
Sep 29
My mom left a voicemail for me last Sunday, and I didn’t return the call right away, so on Friday, I received a second voicemail from my mom wondering why I hadn’t called her:
Mom’s voicemail
I called her in the afternoon, and we had a long chat. I’ve broken it down into two parts, and keep in mind that Bonnie and Clyde are a pair of Shi Zhu dogs.
Mom Call Part 1
Mom Call Part 2
Sep 25
Lindsay from the Calgary Humane Society came by the show today with a big lug of a dog named Sarj. He’s 3 years old, and is a friendly, energetic Rottweiler/Lab mix. His owner had to surrender him due to illness. We also talked a little bit about Chinchillas, which are also up for adoption. you can check out Sarj, the Chinchillas, and all sorts of other great pets at The Humane Society.

Sep 24
Just when you think it can’t get stranger with my “biggest fan” this call comes in. She’s babysitting again, and feeding the baby…and it goes weirdly downhill from there. Listen:
Stalker Wants to Feed Me
Sep 23
We just announced today that Chris Cornell would be joining us (and Matt Good) for our One Weekend Only adventure in Banff this November. Friday night it’s Matt Good, then Saturday night at Wild Bill’s, Chris Cornell and his band will take the stage. Small venue, legend of new rock. Pretty amazing. If you were at Cornell’s sold out show at Mac Hall when he was here last, you’d know he plays his solo stuff, Soundgarden, Audioslave, and even some Temple of the Dog. When he was through town recently, I went by his hotel for a chat. He’s a down-to-earth, thoughtful, well-spoken guy, which made the interview pretty smooth-sailing. Here’s the audio:
Chris Cornell Segment #1
Chris Cornell Segment #2
Chris Cornell Blog-Only Bonus Audio
P.S. If you wanna join us in Banff for this once-in-a-lifetime event, be the 9th caller through at 403-238-X929 when you hear Matt Good, or any of Cornell’s bands. Easy peasy.
Sep 18
Kiwi is a sweetheart who likes her cuddles. She’s a 9-year old German Shepard mix looking for a fairly settled home - no crazy kids running around or pulling her tail! She knows the basic commands, and is pretty much ready to go to a loving home. You can see her and all sorts of other great pets at The Calgary Humane Society
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