Oct 01
It’s hard enough to meet the right girl, let alone take things further along. Men’s Health did a survey of women and found the Top Five things that will turn a woman off quickly. Feel free to add more in the comments section.
- Less-than-fresh breath: 95%
- Excessive cologne: 86%
- Presence of a unibrow: 85%
- Nasty or long toenails: 84%
- Pit stains on a shirt: 83%
Sep 13
Greg (evening/weekend guy on X92.9) is an odd guy. He is obsessed with finding a girl. It often interferes with him acting in a regular manner. He was put in the friend zone several months ago by a girl he likes, and she seems to enjoy the attention he gives her, and at the same time he thinks he might escape the friend zone. To that end, he makes himself constantly available (night or day) to chat with her on the phone, at the expense of common manners. They’ve never met. My thought on the cell phone is that we’ve become too obsessed and too available. My thought on girls is that the more available you are, the less attractive. If you are hanging out with a friend, and your phone rings, let it go to the machine. You can check the message, and if it’s an emergency, call back. If not, call later when you’re home. If you really need to answer it, quickly say “I’m busy now” or whatever, and ask if you can call later. Pretty simple! But not for Greg. Listen:
Greg can’t hang up
Aug 22
This week was abuzz with news that Greg (X92.9 evening/weekend guy) made the move on my sister who was visiting from Ontario. Was it wrong to put the moves on his good friends’ sister? Was she into it? I followed up with Greg on-air, with said sister live on the line from Greg’s hometown of London, Ontario. Listen to the call:
Makeout Sister Calls In

Jul 28
So I recently met this youngish girl. In that transitional phase between high school and university. Pretty girl. She likes to shop, and likes the nicer stuff. Here’s the problem. When you’re at that stage in life, your income doesn’t match your expensive tastes. What to do? Well, look forward to a time when you’ll have an income that matches your tastes. Perservere. Improvise. Find your own style that doesn’t cost a ton. Realize that labels are kinda useless. Or…become a prostitute. Sort of. Find a guy a little bit older, with some money, who will buy you all the nice things you want, and let you live the lifestyle you want in exchange for being his “girlfriend.” Money (gifts, nice things) for sex (girlfriend thing) = prostitution.
Calgary is a wealthy city, and this isn’t an isolated incident. It’s not just women who are to blame. You see these guys cruising 17th in their fancy cars (Lambos, Porsches, Escalades, H2s) with bad dance music blaring, oversize sunglasses on. All the money in a world can’t buy a personality. Lots of wealthy guys are bankrupt when it comes to intellect or personality. But there are plenty of women who eat this shit up. Instead of asking what you’re reading, they ask what you’re driving. Instead of asking what you think about, they ask what you make (about.)
This is not to say that there aren’t wealthy guys who aren’t douchebags. In my circle of friends, there are some people that make a really good living. But none of us flaunt it, or use it to get ahead socially. It’s secondary to personality and being human.
Is it just me?
Click for the audio
Jul 08
If you think writing in a Little Black Book is so 20th century, a New York man is helping peoplemaintain sex logs in cyberspace. Myblackbook.org allows users to upload photos and record theirsexual encounters. The site then provides graphs and charts to keep track of their conquests.
Jun 13
I was talking about who my go-to-girls were for when I’m alone (or thinking about someone else…see post below.) Celebrity-wise, Scarlett J. comes into the picture. Also Estella Warren, hot Canadian. But there’s also exes and various ladies you meet along the way. What’s yours?
Caller Audio 1
Caller Audio 2
Jun 12
…to think of someone else when you’re making sweet love to your significant other? I was in a long-term relationship with a girl who had a large sexual appetite…bigger than mine even! Sometimes I’d think of other women while we were in the midst of the fun. Never told her of course. I took some calls, and welcome your comments here.
Caller Audio
I added a poll over there –>

May 28
It’s been awhile since I talked about the phenomenon of Hot Chicks With Douchebags, and the site chronicling this atrocity. The warm weather is here, and the douche and the chicks that are hypnotized by their douchiness. If you see any Calgary examples of HCWDB send ‘em to josh@x929.ca or send them to the official website Hot Chicks With Douchebags. Last year we did an interview with the creator of the website, and you can find that here.
May 24
I think the romantic comedy catchphrase from Jerry Maguire has it all wrong. If you’re looking for someone to complete you you’ll never be happy. You’re better off trying to make yourself a complete person, then looking for someone who compliments you. I don’t mean vocally, but as a compliment to your life and lifestyle. Greg is weird, which we know. He’s also after someone who completes him. Bzzzt. Bad. What do you think?
I’ve put a poll at the right —>
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