Vice episode! Sex and drugs and rock and roll. Well, Nickelback.
#17 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross
We’re back after a week hiatus while Josh was in Trump-land. Much to talk about including a few secrets: Eileen’s husband was on the cover of The Sun. Josh was once a Sunshine Boy. Wearing a “Love Tru
#10 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross
Eileen Ross is in the “Lady” chair for the 10th Anniversary of the show! 10 whole weeks/episodes. Who would’ve guessed. Stay tuned to the end of the episode (or if you’re a tech genius, fast forward to the end) for a big anniversary announcement. What could it be?
#8 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross
Radio’s Eileen Ross is back in the lady chair again. You might know her from Humble and Fred, the world, or some VHS videos she made as a teen and doesn’t want anyone to know about. This week’s topics
#7 Josh and a Lady: Amanda Barker
Amanda Barker actress, comedian, and regular on Humble and Fred sits in the lady seat this week. Topics include: Cancer hilarity! Josh’s Exhibition Date. Oddball Comedy mis-orders comics. Comedian Seb
Craigslist Catch: Fart Face
Would the snacks include beans and broccoli?
#2 Josh and a Lady: Lisa Brooke
Topics: Lisa felt she was too negative Introducing Mabel Josh reassures his podcast is not to woo ladies Pooping peccadilloes Josh went to The Indy loved Super Trucks Toronto nude beach Josh is a grow
#1 Josh and a Lady: Lisa Brooke
I’m back at it! I’ve done assorted podcasts in the past, and I’m back again. This time, it’s weekly, and with a rotating cast of female co-hosts. Hence: Josh and a Lady. It’s hard to get a lady to com
Plenty of Fish Catch of the Day
I’ve been online dating for awhile, and I think Plenty of Fish may have found me my perfect match. I’m simple man. I can swimming. basket too.