I had the pleasure of filling in for Jim Richards a second time on NEWSTALK1010 Noon-4PM on August 18, 2017. Thought I’d share through the podcast. Topics: Adoption storiesWho pays for dumb people res
by Josh
Josh and a Lady: NEWSTALK1010 Show #1
I had the pleasure of filling in for Jim Richards on NEWSTALK1010 Noon-4PM on August 11, 2017. Thought I’d share through the podcast. Topics: Josh is clumsyGenetically modified fishTrump SupportersCak
by Josh
NEWSTALK1010 Guest Hosting
I got the taste of a life-long dream over the last two weeks, guest hosting Jim Richard’s afternoon show on NEWSTALK1010. I’ve wanted to host a talk show on CFRB since my mid-teens when I’d call in to
by Josh
#24 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross: Humble Howard
Full Show “Humble” Howard Glassman visit. Reunited, and it feels so good. “Humble” Howard Glassman and Eileen share some love. Howard’s revived stand-up act, dating, sex, and the state of radio in Canada. Recorded January 5th.