Recently, I’ve been hearing from people, out of the blue, about my (very) brief appearance on the Emmy Award winning Schitt’s Creek TV series. It’s a bit of an odd phenomenon, as it was shot a number
Schitt’s Creek Appearance
Almost a year ago I spent some time up in Goodwood, ON shooting a small role for the season 3 finale of Schitt’s Creek. It was a really fun experience, and the whole production felt very family-like a
#32 Josh and a Lady: Jennifer Whalen
Jen Whalen comedy multi-hyphenate from Baroness Von Sketch Show does double duty here as “Guest Eileen” and actual guest interview. Links: JCC scareLetterman in NY MagMother IndiaAdulting schoolAbnorm
#31 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross: Jim Slotek
Jim Slotek’s covered the entertainment beat for the Toronto Sun, now the Postmedia chain pretty much since entertainment began. How he went from covering music, to TV, to film, to coyotes eating dogs.
#30 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross: Ken Hall
Ken Hall proves that good things happen to good people. Improv changed his life. Literally. Topics: Homeless clothing.Pineapple on pizza.Olive oil crisis.Breadcrumbing.Cardboard VR glasses.What I’m Wa
#27 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross: Matt Watts
Matty Watts stops by to catch up, talk Michael: Everyday and much more. Topics: Dogs love reggae. Josh went on the Toronto Mike’d Podcast. Kids should walk to school. Coping with Trump psychologically
#20 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross
The big 20th Anniversary Special. With chat about a whole load a stuff including: Josh was on Humble and Fred (welcome H&F listeners!) Eileen’s an old people hero. Josh’s new cereal obsession. Egg
#18 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross
Vice episode! Sex and drugs and rock and roll. Well, Nickelback.
#16 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross
Topics this week: Election. Trump. Daylight savings. Planet Earth 2 snake iguana chase. Westworld is amazing. Flu shot worth it? Josh’s Mom cameo. Shitty nachos. Fart warning. Josh going to Florida. Fake companion animals. Bad flying etiquette. Women swear more than men. Don’t clean your mug. Feces as fuel. Ash spreading options. Rachel Dolezal has a book. Josh self identifies as Hispanic. Eileen as a whole other species.
#12 Josh and a Lady with Eileen Ross
Canadian Thanksgiving. Radio voices. Getting a blow dry. Movie tastes dating deal breaker. Cellphone at movies solutions. The great TV renaissance. WestWorld. Drumpf. Billy Bush a creep. Autobituary. Hookah bar ban. Cigarette butt tossers. Mental Health Day celebration? School lunch allergy restrictions. Man buns are ridiculous. Parking lot scratch etiquette. Prefer to work from home?