From Jimmy Fallon, Brian Williams kicks it old school with the Young MC classic.
Louis CK Satire
I love Louis CK, was a very early supporter of his stuff, and helped introduce him to Toronto audiences. Still love him. A NY comedian made a parody of his style – I think with a little bitterness thr
Jason Sudeikis Premier League Promo
Here’s a funny promo for Football – the euro kind – on NBC Sports.
Snuffy The Seal – Shark Week
I have always been fascinated by animals that could kill a guy, things that in a pure world would be above us on the food chain. Alligators, snakes, crocodiles, and especially sharks. Ever since I saw
Oscar Alternative Host Andy Samberg
I thought Seth MacFarlane did a decent job with the Oscars. Pretty much what people who know his oeuvre expected. The night before the main event, the indie film community had their party, featuring A
Mr. Lube Commercials
I love the vibe of a couple recent television commercials for Mr. Lube. The first one from 2011 is called Dear John and features a lead character that looks a lot like Gary Cole from Office Space. The