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Ed Hardy Boyz Awesomeness
Really funny with some great cameos, and what appears to be the real Christian Audigier unaware (lost in translation?) they’re making fun of how ridiculous and douchey the brand he created is. The Ed
Great State of Radio Piece
This appeared on Bill McMahon’s Personality Radio blog. It pretty much encapsulates much of what’s wrong with terrestrial radio today.
The Problem with Ryan Seacrest
“On-Air with Ryan Seacrest”is a microcosm of what’s wrong with radio right now. The problem has nothing to do with the show being created in Hollywood and syndicated to local radio stations across the country. The trouble is the show’s content. It’s ordinary, average, and forgettable.
Hilarious Hippo
When it comes to comedy, this is about as base or natural as you can get, and it makes me laugh every time I watch it.
10 Questions (about radio) with Josh Holliday from 2006
I found an old link for this bit I did with All Access, a big radio industry website. They have a weekly feature called On The Beach (an old radio term for being between gigs – guess it’s better than Wallowing in Self Pity, Thinking I’ll Never Work Again.) It was April 2006, after 102.1 the Edge, and before X92.9.
Please begin by giving us a brief career history …
For the last 13 years I’ve been both in front of and behind the mic. Started out doing creative for CFNY. Went on to do on-air entertainment reporting, including hundreds of interviews with local and international notables. Wrote all the imaging and on-air promos for Classic Rock Q107 for about 2 years, but had a jones to get back in front of the mic. Hosted a regular (and quite popular) daily show on 102.1 The Edge.
1 What do you do to maintain a positive mental attitude and stay motivated?
The first rule of fight club: never talk about fight club.
2 How are you occupying your time, besides looking for a job?
I’ve never limited myself to a single medium. I act for television, film and some stage stuff, do voiceovers, some animation, perform stand-up and improv, and sometimes hold doors open for strangers.
3 Some people get discouraged or enlightened with the business when they actually step out of it for a while. Tell us your observations from the outside.
I’ve kind of been exploring all sorts of radio alternatives for my listening: including a fully-loaded iPod (music and podcasts,) public radio, college radio and most recently got satellite. I’m intrigued by the emergence of the new tech and programming, and how terrestrial radio is reacting (or in some cases not reacting) to it.
Eastbound and Down Season 3 Preview
I love this show. Kenny Powers is one of the greatest characters on television.
Sports Gut “Construction” commercial for Pro-Line
I made this during the summer, and it generally runs during sports shows and Leaf games in Ontario. I call this character “Lazy, pessimistic construction worker.”
The single best thing you can do for your health
This is a fantastic video, that explains the one simple thing that can change your health dramatically. It has nothing to do with crunches or carbs.