With the recent passing of my father, I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus from the podcast. I’ll be back soon. Meantime, iTunes put the program in its New and Notable section.
Speed doesn’t kill
I’ve always thought the speed limits in Ontario – particularly on 400 series highways were artificially low. This presentation, geared towards Vancouver, is pretty universal in dispelling myths around
The Bad Guys are the Fun Guys
Radio is definitely a business, but the best radio hosts are true artists, not unlike actors, bands, or comedians. Often the most talented, and popular artists in those fields are a “bit quirky.” Radi
Newsman Brian Williams version of Bust a Move
From Jimmy Fallon, Brian Williams kicks it old school with the Young MC classic.
Louis CK Satire
I love Louis CK, was a very early supporter of his stuff, and helped introduce him to Toronto audiences. Still love him. A NY comedian made a parody of his style – I think with a little bitterness thr
Jason Sudeikis Premier League Promo
Here’s a funny promo for Football – the euro kind – on NBC Sports.
Great Gatsby Visual FX
For as long as I can recall I’ve been fascinated by the behind-the-scenes work that makes television, film, and even stage so realistic. I’m a bit old school and really appreciate the actual concrete
Snuffy The Seal – Shark Week
I have always been fascinated by animals that could kill a guy, things that in a pure world would be above us on the food chain. Alligators, snakes, crocodiles, and especially sharks. Ever since I saw
David Attenborough and Blind Baby Rhino
I’m a huge animal lover, and an equally huge fan of David Attenborough’s legacy of work in this area. He’s amazing. From his Blue Planet and Planet Earth to his most famous Life series, he does fascin